Landscapes Unlimited – The Mirror Box

If you, like me, always have been missing the beautiful movement of water, when you’re sitting in your skybox? Or the beauty of the sunset? Well those days are over! Hurray! Landscapes Unlimited has just released this AMAZING new skybox called “The Mirror Box” – and oh boy, is it incredible! Sominel Edelman from Landscapes Unlimited has worked long and hard on this skybox that offers reflections, beautiful sunsets, starry skies, moving water, snow, ice, tropical scenery – there are 70 scenes to choose from that changes with windlight changes – and it has privacy settings!

It comes in varying sizes from 32×32 to… are you ready?! 1024×1024! The one I am using in the photos below is 512×512. Fatpack of The Mirror Box costs 2950L$ and contains 10 skyboxes.

The package with props, 13 props such as rocks, various shapes of islands, two buoys and a windturbine – already mirrored for your convenience, as well as 87 textures for rocks and islands in all four seasons and various patterns, such as gradiant grass/rocks, costs just under 300L$.

Read the rest of my blog to see more of The Mirror Box and stop by Landscapes Unlimited today and grab a demo that lasts for seven days, to take back to your own place!

Across the frozen lake

NB! The Mirror Box does NOT reflect people and objects such as boats, islands etc. In order to achieve this effect, simply copy and rotate the item in question 180 degrees so it is mirroring the object and move it into place, like I have done in the photo above. Please do notice that the props pack comes with mirrored islands etc., to make easier for you to create a beautiful landscape.

The Mirror Box Menus

As stated above, The Mirror Box comes with 70 scenes, 3 different kinds of ice for the water, as well as 7 different water appearances.

To access the menu in The Mirror Box, simply click anywhere in the box and hold the left mouse button for a few seconds. Then the following menu will pop up:

LU - Mirror box menu

When clicking on “Water & Ice” you get the following menu, which contains the 7 water presets and 3 ice presets. Furthermore, you can change how fast the water flows, how transparent both water and ice is, as well as glow and the size of the water/ice.

LU - Mirror box menu2

The following menu is the “Scenery” menu. It contains all the scenes found within The Mirror Box. When you click one submenu, you get between 1 and 10 various scene options with cliffs, rocks, trees, clouds and sun/moon, stars or sky only etc., depending on what submenu you’ve picked.

LU - Mirror box menu3

The third menu is the options menu. This is used to close the box, so people can’t see in as easily to give you some privacy, as well as giving group members access to change scenery and/or water/ice.

LU - Mirror box menu5

Scenes and Windlights

The following photos are unedited and made to show realistically how The Mirror Box works.

Winter settings with water and ice in various Windlights.

Landscaping Unlimited - The Mirror Box

Landscaping Unlimited - The Mirror Box

Landscaping Unlimited - The Mirror Box

Tropical scene with water in different windlights.

Landscaping Unlimited - The Mirror Box

Landscaping Unlimited - The Mirror Box

Another tropical scene with water and two different Windlights.

Landscaping Unlimited - The Mirror Box

Landscaping Unlimited - The Mirror Box

Cityscape with water and different Windlights.

Landscaping Unlimited - The Mirror Box

Landscaping Unlimited - The Mirror Box

Sunny Day

Landscaping Unlimited - The Mirror Box

Various Sunset scenes in different Windlights

Landscaping Unlimited - The Mirror Box

Landscaping Unlimited - The Mirror Box

Mirror box_003

Landscaping Unlimited - The Mirror Box


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